Have you ever felt like there is something deep inside you that is just waiting to be expressed? For many of us we feel it as an inner longing, a heart’s desire, a life’s purpose or calling home to our true nature yet something often holds us back from being all that we know we are and making the money we know we deserve.
In my adventure over the past two weeks I have come to the conclusion that all experiences have a purpose and a gift and even the emotions we often don’t want to feel show us something more about ourselves and by loving it all we transform the world.
Yesterday I hiked up to the top of a mountain. As I looked out across the vast space where the mountains met the sky I couldn’t help but feel the power…
Video at: http://www.lifeforceconnection.com/tvlive.htm
Something within me awakened to a deeper truth, I could intuitively feel what was coming on my path and it felt so good! This is the experience of being guided. Your heart and core connect with a deep seated feeling of knowing within you that you are on the right path and being guided to the next step, and then the next.
We all go through tough times in life. Just a few days ago I experienced some of the deepest pain I have ever felt. I just wanted to bow out gracefully and go back! Yet, deep inside my being I knew that if I continued to move forward I would receive the gifts that led me to even follow the path in the first place!
Here were some of the gifts I received in the next two days…Standing on top of the world at a mountain’s peek with my new friend…

Produce delivered from a very dear soul in our Intuition To Income Community…

Gluten Free Cherry Chocolate Cake from Sweet Life!

That’s how fast things can turn around when you change your perspective and trust your intuition, the gifts are waiting for you too!
As you connect with the miracle inside of you and follow the illuminated path of your highest potential you too will experience the thrill of your full expression!
Wanna play?
It’s possible, I’ve done it and helped many others. You can too!
Talk to you soon.
With Great Love,
Abby E. Gooch, C.E.O Life Force Connection
Intuitive Teacher, Inspirational Speaker, Author
Intuitive Teacher, Inspirational Speaker, Author