The Gift of You- December 2009

Dear Friends, As I sit here writing you this letter in front of my fireplace, I am filled with immense gratitude for our infinite connection to God and the Life Force that is always available to us. Recently I newly discovered my own connected Presence to love. The experience that brought me this realization was… Continue reading The Gift of You- December 2009

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Living My Dream- May 2005

It is a joy to share the gift of healing with you. I wanted to briefly tell you how I began my career as an Intuitive Coach. As a young child I believed I was special, that there was something different and unique about me. Well, that was one sure way to get myself in… Continue reading Living My Dream- May 2005

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“Share. Teach. Inspire.”

Meditating to Wholeness   How many times have you strived for something or tried to prove to yourself that you could do something, only to find that you already were perfect whole and complete as you were? For example, starving yourself to be the perfect weight, dressing the part of a new corporate job but never really… Continue reading “Share. Teach. Inspire.”

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