Moving From The Head to the HEART

On my way back home from my run today, I stopped to talk with an local artist. I see him everyday painting his beautiful pictures of the ocean and the gorgeous La Jolla scenery. His presence is felt every time I walk by him because I can feel his joy for what he does.

Today, we engaged in a conversation regarding the recent changes of mother earth and her shifts. For those of you also in San Diego and Orange county areas, we experienced a huge shift of the earth’s plates which caused the electricity to go out. While some felt concerned and fearful, others took it as an opportunity to feel a deeper sense of peace and calm. I have to say, there was a deep knowing of truth as my friend and I looked up to the stars and moon. The stars sparkled with the glow of the moon~ in that moment I really felt us energetically shifting to a new level of consciousness felt as unconditional love and compassion, a shift from the head to the heart.

As my conversation with the artist continued, I brought up the point of how we treat mother earth and how much energy we use of her. That the military tests, electricity and gas really take a toll on this beautiful gift of life on earth we have. Wow I thought. “We really have so much to be grateful for in our hearts.” Looking back on the last twenty years I can see how so much of consciousness as we know it has shifted into using the mind to guide us rather than the heart. The technology, businesses, and economic times based on the ideas of man. Now I’m not saying there isn’t a place for these, but truly to operate from a place of unconditional love and understanding is a rarity. I truly believe the biggest shift of consciousness and life as we know it is bowing our heads to our hearts. To find the wisdom within to guide us and share the love with one another.


I’m really writing you this email because I know there are shifts coming both in the spiritual and physical realms. The only way through it is to access the wisdom of the heart and follow your intuition, it is the only thing that will keep you safe. Your intuition is your direct connection to Source and as you follow that inner knowing and gut feeling you will always be led or remain in safety. Turn within and trust what you feel. Know what you know and act on your knowing.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

-Albert Einstein

All is well.

May you and I continue to walk together on this beautiful path of light and stay in the infinite embrace of God’s love.


With joy,



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